          You must kill your liar President ChenSwayBen [That how your Taiwanese military must have to learn the lesson now to kill your sucking liar (When you lie, even God must have no way to help you, not mention any your good better best people that looked down by you, not mention anyone hired by you, that how your liar President must be killed, no matter his name is ChenSwayBen, Bill Cli 酒店經紀nton or 0bama.) President ChenSwayBen immediately, you don't kill him, your entire Taiwanese must all have to die (Not mention Taiwan like "Chyuan.Gwall.Jay.Bean" site.); because you stupid bad ugly evil TAiwanese law makers body did not like USA House sucessfully showed their righteous guts impea 售屋網ched their USA liar President Bill Clinton formally recorded.] You must kill your liar President ChenSwayBen (Therefore, I realized that "民進黨台北市黨部昨天召開臨時執委會,無異議通過邀請前總統陳水扁重新入黨案,北市黨部主委黃慶林今天上午帶入黨申請書前 花蓮民宿往台北看守所給扁簽名,歡迎扁重返民進黨。" must be USA liar President Bill Clinton and his ass whore Hillary Clinton underground chained slavery terrors linked in Taiwan played sinister plot trying to tool 陳水扁 lies to make Taiwan gone down along with Mainland China.) openly officially to show your n 好房網ation disagreed with his lie and beheaded with his link. 0therwise, your entire Mainland China, Taiwan, HongKong of Republic of China (Why Mainland China, HongKong must become count, because they did not seal the border to ban anyone from back and forth.) must have to gone down diappearing out of this earth map. You don't kill your liar President officially, you 有巢氏房屋have no way to be a Nation, that how USA must gone with wind left Hawaii to honor their House did do the impeached duty to deserve that small Island to flight. Why the entire Continent of America must have to gone down along with USA disappearing out of this earth sight? Because they all committed "7.Sun.Pot.Ugly" crime, cannot appreciate USA mankind, sided with narrow minded slaver 酒店打工y linked underground chained terrors evil Chinese to finished Amercian mankind out of this richest most mankind field. Not mention the latin america full of unacountable liars. Bush Junior is the most integrity rich and famous left out in this entire democratic world, that how the most intelligent mankind Cheney willing to be his back, too bad both of them did not know Chinese best moral (All mankind is 禮服 fool, therefore, no man can love God more than anything like woman can, therefore, man must have to rely on righteous, honest, moral value to deal with evil doers dragon down; woman can just rely on Good will to pass through. You are woman, you always behave yourself with good will root, you must be either good loser or good winner, as long as you are in good side, evil doers must have no way to dragon any good will woman down.) 關鍵字排名value "Nun.女.Shore.Shore.Boot.Chin" (You cannot find any mankind to seat in that public office to rule, you need to close that office totally at that point, for example, if you cannot find mankind to rule your driver license department, you need to close that entire driver license department office and not to issue any new license to anyone, that means at your place no more new driver be allowed showing up on the road. You cannot find mankind rule 關鍵字廣告your Secretary Department, you need to close that entire department at that point, all workers in that apartment must be killed or isolated under spyware 24/7/365 the rest of their life. Like Chinese said "擇.Sun.Goods.執" "0.缺.5.Long") rule, therefore, they failed badly because of bending to fake man Condi Rice low lower lowest.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 酒店經紀  .

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