說被遣返是自取其辱國民黨立委簡直是中國在台灣的打手 楊蕙如氣得當媒體面前罵髒話 「卡神」楊蕙如想要到北京奧運觀賽卻被中共 永慶房屋海關拒絕入境,今天楊蕙如再度哭著召 租房子開記者會,痛批政府無能,不過卻引來國民黨立委說她是「自 太平洋房屋取其辱」,讓楊蕙如氣得在記者會場上,當著眾多媒體的面前,開口罵髒話。 楊蕙如 酒店打工:「我愛這個國家我有錯嗎?我很驕傲我是台灣人,可是我很難過,我們的政府對我們不夠好,你愛這個國家,帶 居酒屋著這個國旗出國的人都覺得很無助。」 手中緊抓著國旗,楊蕙如又哭了,想到被大陸遣返的委屈,她除了痛批對岸打壓之外,也質問?小額信貸足F府在這次奧運裡到底做了些什麼? 楊蕙如:「我的好朋友盧彥勳,他在奧運要比賽,他全亞洲男單第一種子耶,在他最無助的時候,你們幫了他什麼嗎? 室內設計在他全世界各地征戰的時候,你們給他什麼支援嗎?沒有啊,那你們憑什麼在他們得到獎牌的時候去歡呼,你們憑什麼?你們配嗎?」 經過了一天一夜,楊蕙如的情緒還是無法平復,不 信用卡代償過藍營立委卻認為,這一切都是他自找的。 國民黨立委吳育昇:「基本上你如果事前跟它(大陸)放話,而且你又搞政治的角度來搞體育的話,你某種程度,你當然是自取其辱啊!」 楊蕙如:「所以我們拿國旗叫做?花蓮民宿菬銊d啦,對不起哦,我讓你們的和談大計失敗了,對不起,什麼自取其辱嗎?」 連粗話都爆出口,楊蕙如真的氣壞了,只不過從機場哭回長工辦公室,大陣仗召開記者會,楊蕙如的這句話聽起來似乎有點奇怪:「我也不想要當主 酒店經紀角。」  .

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          光陰的故事~懷念的眷村回憶 自小開始有記憶,外公外婆就住在台中市北屯區某一眷村裏, 小時候常回去住,也曾被外公、外婆帶上一陣子, 外省人對親人的稱呼跟別人不一樣, 要捲舌喊「 591老爺、姥姥」, 父親則是客家人,爺爺、奶奶要叫「阿共、阿PO」, 和本省人一律叫「阿公、阿嬤」多 賣房子了些特別; 除了進村的主要馬路, 家家戶戶中間有一條大概只有機車能會車的小路, 戶與戶之間很近, 像沒隱私一樣近?會場佈置鴔n架、打小孩, 聲音大一點都清楚聽的見, 只要家裡人不在,聽到別家下棋或打麻將聲, 去那兒找人準沒錯。 只有一樓的矮房子,紅紅的大門水泥圍 個人信貸牆不高, 家人如果忘了帶鑰匙,乾脆一翻身就爬進去身手矯健又熟練的很! 也因為彼此住的近, 又都是從軍、自大陸遷台的背景, 村內爺爺奶奶叔叔伯伯阿姨好似一家 有巢氏房屋人, 小孩子從小一起長大感情都好的不得了。 老爺姥姥是北方人, 所以主食少不了配饅頭或麵條, 早餐哪有美而美,帶回來的一定是豆漿、燒餅、油條, 有時?個皮、包包水餃,嗯~我最愛 住商房屋吃阿姨們做的炸醬麵了! 過年時也一定會有滷味, 豆皮、豆干、鴨翅、雞腳、大腸等再加上大蔥, 好味道絕對不輸外面賣的! 這也是我為什麼那麼愛吃滷味的原因; 偶爾會有小攤子進來叫賣~按“把噗”的冰 禮服淇淋、 擔著扁擔的豆花攤(聲明:那時我很小的…)、 香噴噴的大滷麵,都是令人垂涎欲滴的回憶。 過年到了領紅包時間,除夕夜長輩坐上位, 每房一家子要跪好, 說說吉祥話、磕響頭才能拿到, 每年講的都差不多,老人家還是笑呵呵。 烏來溫泉 財團收購、眷村改建,能見到的眷村已經少之又少, 老人家們雖仍住的近, 卻已是一層一層水泥叢林的高樓大廈; 殺出重圍這部八點檔讓我重回兒時記憶, 人與人之間的真與重感情, 現在的功利社會已經少見。 時代一直在變遷、創新, 無奈的是也許 租房子很快, 眷村美味與人情味終將成為歷史, 唯有靠著相片、網路、媒體, 或是哪天來個復古大翻風, 台灣社會獨有的眷村文化又會被再次喚醒。   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 訂做禮服  .

aqwwzjvwsjshp 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

          轉載-鉛筆與橡皮擦~~很有感覺的小品,值得大家省思。 鉛筆與橡皮擦~~很有感覺的小品,值得大家省思。 很有感覺的小品,值得大家省思。 Share thi 住商房屋s great article f with u. Enjoy a lovely day!鉛筆 & 橡皮擦 花蓮民宿  鉛 筆:我很抱歉  橡皮擦: 什麼事? 你沒做錯任何事啊。  鉛 筆:我很?室內設計篝p,因為我的緣故,你受到傷害。 只要我出 錯,你永遠在那裡為我將錯誤刪除。 但當你讓我的錯誤消 澎湖民宿失的時候,您都會失去了自己的一部分。 你每次都會變得越來越小。  橡皮擦: 那到是真的。不過我並不真的在意。 你知?婚禮佈置ㄙ器D,我就是因為這個目的而存在。 只要你做錯了事,我就幫你解決。 我知道將來有一天我會消失,而您就會換一個新的 我繼續使用, 其實我很 個人信貸高興能做這件工作。因此,請停止位我擔憂。 我不喜歡看到你傷心的樣子。  我發現這支鉛筆和 橡皮擦之間的對話很鼓舞人心。  父母就像橡皮擦,而他 們的孩子們就像鉛 酒店經紀筆。 父母永遠都在那裡,為他們的孩子清除錯誤。 一路走來,有時他們會受傷,變成更小 / 更舊, 最後終將停止這件工作而離開他們的孩子。 雖然他們的孩 子們終將找新的橡皮擦(配偶?開幕活動^, 但是父母仍然對他們曾經為他們的孩子做的所有事情感到高興, 並且總是不喜歡看見他們 寶貝的人擔心或是悲傷。在我的一生中,我曾經是鉛筆。 我的痛苦就是看到橡皮擦 (就是我的父母) 每 一天都變得越來越小 信用貸款。 因為我知道總有一天,我所能夠剩下的, 也只有像橡皮擦一樣逐漸變小的感覺以及在我記憶中曾經擁有的一切。 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 關鍵字排名  .

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          澳洲邊境牧羊犬豆豆,找個愛他的新爸媽!邊境牧羊犬送養! 我的名字是豆豆,今年約2歲,男生,住在桃園, 我是一隻純種邊界牧羊犬(就是電視上會接飛盤的那種黑白色狗狗) 因為我很活潑好動運動量又 宜蘭民宿大,現在的主人家太小了不適合我住,我希望能找到一個有充滿愛心、耐心,家家裡空間寬敞有大庭院的親?結婚西裝赤邑鈰鰼筐琚C 我的個性很溫和就算有小朋友也很適合,不過因為我怕寂寞,如果空間不足必須把我關在籠子裡的話,我可 好房網是會傷心難過哭哭ㄉ唷!! 由於我的主人不常帶我出門,所以我不太會躲車車,看到狗狗朋友又會想跟他們玩,因此要帶我逛街一定要幫我扣上牽繩,避免 酒店打工我一時興奮過了頭跑去跟朋友玩,忘ㄌ旁邊的危險。 我家教很好,都會忍著便便跟尿尿,等姊姊早晚帶我出門去上廁所。不會在家裡亂來。 但是不是我吹牛~我很聰明的喔,你能多教我幾 烤肉食材次,我一定能學得會的。這裡有我帥帥的照片,如果你喜歡我,有絕對的耐心,又能符合以上的條件的話請跟我的姊姊聯絡,我會開開心心的到你家,當你的乖寶貝! 聯絡電話 0939952436 or (03)323-9957 買屋 游小姐 聯絡地址 桃園縣蘆竹鄉中福村中興43之7號 EMAIL: cat700718@hotmail.com 這是FIO幫好姊妹代PO的,這隻狗狗在他們家兩年了,因為一些原因沒辦法再繼續養他,希望愛狗狗又有能力照顧好他的朋友能領養。 狗狗跟?裝潢蛦o家的姊姊和弟弟相處久了家人都對他很不捨,因此希望有意願領養的朋友,能注意一下,狗主人會對領養的朋友做幾項評估: 1. 要真的愛狗,瞭解邊境的的習性(因為他們活動量很大,養他的人要有心理準備,他會比較皮唷) 2.要有大空間給他活動 房地產,而且有時間陪他、照顧他 (狗主人希望能寄領養朋友的環境給他們看,或是約時間看看領養人的環境適不適合) 3.雖然要把狗狗送人是不得已的選擇,但他們還是希望能偶而知道狗狗的消息,或是能去看看他。 所以有意願領養的朋友,跟狗主人連繫時,請先確定自己能夠做?售屋網鴠H上這三點,再跟狗主人連繫喔,因為領養他就等於對狗主人做了會好好照顧他的承諾。 畢竟愛狗的人都知道,狗狗就像家人,有時候比家人還親。 突然要讓他離開,心裡難免不捨,希望能給豆豆找個愛他的家 也希望朋友們幫忙代PO一下這個消息!http://www.doghome.org.tw/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=225057 澎湖民宿  .

aqwwzjvwsjshp 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

          Wed Nov 08 2006 It is 10:31AM Texas time. I had cereals. I used chopsticks to pick the cereals piece by piece, I sensed those animals like cows, pigs, chickens, etc. that framed in the small caged place deepest silence darkness saddness eating unfreely all the time. Whoever like 八 商務中心堵 林美玉 林兆欽's parents had framed those innocent naive chickens in roomless block of cages should go to hell to pay their crimes to jail innocent naive animals. You can kill animals to eat, you hav 小型辦公室e no right to jail animals in unfree space to watch them growing to make your personal gains. Go to hell 八堵 林美玉 林兆欽's parents alike. Therefore, I hope Americans meat industrial label your meat from the o 辦公室出租pen big roomate active free farmers, do not do business with any stupid bad ugly evil doers like 八堵 林美玉 林兆欽's parents who jail innocent naive animals for personal gains, if you do , you all will meet your fate like those anim 房地產als jailed by your income resources. You dare own animals, you must make sure you have big enough open playful place not under your roof or ceiling(like I saw stupid bad ugly evil ChengEyeLand [886.2.24513825/886-9-16059562]jail her dog inside her apartment room wit 永慶房屋h no natural open yard space for dog's natural needs) for animals fool around, you lack of the open playful place dare to jail the innocent naive animals for whatever your personal please, benefits or profits, you deserve to pay your crime of jailing innocent 東森房屋naive animals sooner or later without a doubt. You like to jail yourself inside your own apartment that's your freedom to choose, you have no right to force the innocent naive animals to jail inside your room or under the same roof with you. You can kill animals for whatever your stupid bad 台灣房屋ugly evil doing, you have no RIGHT to act like you're above them while you are indeed worse than them to jail those innocent, naive animals. Go to hell 八堵 林美玉 林兆欽's parents alike. It is 11:22 AM Texas time. I had ice cream bars, cherry tomatoes and I am having hot chocolate. It is 20:51 Texas time. I 看房子 had 2 pieces of pizza, green ice tea and hot chocolate. Therefore, school teachers and school workers, if for some reason, you need have little pets to show the kids, you must fence those pets out of the door in open plenty space with NO ROOF or ceiling like showing in the wild zoo fenced, do not place those pets caged inside any room, if you do, you w 新成屋ill need to pay our jail time and may risk those kids to pay the shares during any your life times. The lab mice you need must raised in the open place too. Keep in mind all the time, you can kill animals, you have no right to jail any one of them.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 廬山住宿  .

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          Mon. Oct.02 2006 Texas time It is 18:10 Texas time. This morning around 10:00 AM I ate a mix dish of rice + last week's l 東森房屋eft over beef + yesterday's left ove 房屋買賣r vegetable, I don't remember had I drunk hot chocolate lik 有巢氏房屋e I used to do in this recent days, I did drink a big cup of hot tea because I fe 網路行銷lt the dish I ate too big for my stomach and I felt tea may help me less the weight we may be gotten 買屋網because of over eating of the amount of the food. I just back from grocery, I bought 2 boxes of ice cream bars, one roast chic 裝潢ken and bread for dinner, I am not hungry yet, therefore, just leave food on the table, I will back my writing after I eat the dinner. It is 20:58 Texa 酒店工作s time, I ate 2 pieces of bread, pieces of chicken, some lettuce and a ice cream bar. I think I may have eaten too much today. I remember when I was in college I used t 土地買賣o eat lots of fat stuffs but not bothered to get more weight. Now, I spent most of my time sleeping, thinking, typing, I don't like to exercise, I don't go to park to walk like I d 房屋買賣id before, my muscle loose, I wonder if I can have the will to get the normal life again.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 房屋買賣  .

aqwwzjvwsjshp 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

          豐田 case is US all Existing Presidents's "Inn.Mold" Those so called Toyota got problem in U.S. and in China in Europe all made by USA evilest liars politicians gangsters underground chained slavery terrors forced slaves hiding around the world, on purposely framed Toyota to give up their market around the world. That how Toyota should make cars inside Japan, and se 關鍵字廣告ll their best will made best quality car to the dealer that owned by any real retired General who know how to hire the bravest integrity workers to service the powerless customers, to kill rich or powerful liars. The Court around the world must do the righteous duty to guard the real Toyota makers' 房屋貸款;s decent right, anyone coming to the Court to point finger to Toyota must prove he or she or they can have more power of honety than me. Because I (My name is Kuei-Ying Wang Lin address 8002 Royal Crest Ct., Spring, TX 77379. I have given my name to my Congress to support them to impeach Bill Clinton during that impeachment 酒店兼職 time, therefore, you can get my personal information from U.S. Congress or that U.S shameless liar President Bill Clinton and his ass whore that right wing conspiracy liar co-president Hillary Clinton's library in Arkansas, or that coward President Bush junior library in College Station ) say : " Those so called Toyota got problem in U. 九份民宿S. and in China in Europe all made by USA evilest liars politicians gangsters underground chained slavery terrors forced slaves hiding around the world, on purposely framed Toyota to give up their market around the world. Question yourself and your Court, if your Court cannot be good enough to take my words from the air, how could they can be good enough to de G2000al with USA evilest liars politicians gangsters committed most hair standing underground chained slavery terrors forceful crimes around the world? Therefore, when anyone go to your Court to point finger to Toyota, your court needs to ban that anyone from leaving his or her or their home to force him or her or them to stay home all the time like I do (He or she or they have to live t 花蓮民宿he living condition like I do [You cannot drive a Lexus like I do, you cannot live a size house like I do, blame yourself too suck to know how to please God order to have a evil man like JungShiauLin on purposely left this big house and this Lexus car to make me to pay all the dues that he left behind to me. You eat US powerless helpless poor people shared public fund, you dare drive better car than I dr 酒店兼職ive, you dare live bigger size more comfortable house than mine, you must be killed and be forced to stave to die immediately. Because I don't eat any US tax payers shared public fund linked related money directly or indirectly in any way all my life. Because JungShiauLin not have any room to make money in USA, "ConeSeanC" owned banks not make money out of anyone at his time.], the living room ceiling must leak like 烏來溫泉 mine, the bed headed wall must molded like mine, the upstair heating must broken like mine, the house siding must rotten like mine, the fence must shakky like mine, the food they eat must same like mine, they toilet must leak and turned off like mine, the street noised by lawn tools like mine. You sucking US most powerful President cannot have the best will to live the condition that a powerless private second class woman can, you dare run 網路行銷 for your White House, you and all your blooded marriage financial links must be killed or be forced to starve to die immediately.), and point a best will retired General to take care Toyota dealership business, and take whatever mean and way to investigate entire USA existing Presidents politicial and finance and blood darkest deepest links.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 太平洋房屋  .

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          You must kill your liar President ChenSwayBen [That how your Taiwanese military must have to learn the lesson now to kill your sucking liar (When you lie, even God must have no way to help you, not mention any your good better best people that looked down by you, not mention anyone hired by you, that how your liar President must be killed, no matter his name is ChenSwayBen, Bill Cli 酒店經紀nton or 0bama.) President ChenSwayBen immediately, you don't kill him, your entire Taiwanese must all have to die (Not mention Taiwan like "Chyuan.Gwall.Jay.Bean" site.); because you stupid bad ugly evil TAiwanese law makers body did not like USA House sucessfully showed their righteous guts impea 售屋網ched their USA liar President Bill Clinton formally recorded.]http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/levelone777/article?mid=999&prev=-1&next=998 You must kill your liar President ChenSwayBen (Therefore, I realized that "民進黨台北市黨部昨天召開臨時執委會,無異議通過邀請前總統陳水扁重新入黨案,北市黨部主委黃慶林今天上午帶入黨申請書前 花蓮民宿往台北看守所給扁簽名,歡迎扁重返民進黨。http://www.wretch.cc/blog/woosean/9921991" must be USA liar President Bill Clinton and his ass whore Hillary Clinton underground chained slavery terrors linked in Taiwan played sinister plot trying to tool 陳水扁 lies to make Taiwan gone down along with Mainland China.) openly officially to show your n 好房網ation disagreed with his lie and beheaded with his link. 0therwise, your entire Mainland China, Taiwan, HongKong of Republic of China (Why Mainland China, HongKong must become count, because they did not seal the border to ban anyone from back and forth.) must have to gone down diappearing out of this earth map. You don't kill your liar President officially, you 有巢氏房屋have no way to be a Nation, that how USA must gone with wind left Hawaii to honor their House did do the impeached duty to deserve that small Island to flight. Why the entire Continent of America must have to gone down along with USA disappearing out of this earth sight? Because they all committed "7.Sun.Pot.Ugly" crime, cannot appreciate USA mankind, sided with narrow minded slaver 酒店打工y linked underground chained terrors evil Chinese to finished Amercian mankind out of this richest most mankind field. Not mention the latin america full of unacountable liars. Bush Junior is the most integrity rich and famous left out in this entire democratic world, that how the most intelligent mankind Cheney willing to be his back, too bad both of them did not know Chinese best moral (All mankind is 禮服 fool, therefore, no man can love God more than anything like woman can, therefore, man must have to rely on righteous, honest, moral value to deal with evil doers dragon down; woman can just rely on Good will to pass through. You are woman, you always behave yourself with good will root, you must be either good loser or good winner, as long as you are in good side, evil doers must have no way to dragon any good will woman down.) 關鍵字排名value "Nun.女.Shore.Shore.Boot.Chin" (You cannot find any mankind to seat in that public office to rule, you need to close that office totally at that point, for example, if you cannot find mankind to rule your driver license department, you need to close that entire driver license department office and not to issue any new license to anyone, that means at your place no more new driver be allowed showing up on the road. You cannot find mankind rule 關鍵字廣告your Secretary Department, you need to close that entire department at that point, all workers in that apartment must be killed or isolated under spyware 24/7/365 the rest of their life. Like Chinese said "擇.Sun.Goods.執" "0.缺.5.Long") rule, therefore, they failed badly because of bending to fake man Condi Rice low lower lowest.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 酒店經紀  .

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          狗狗穿裙跳曼波 轉圈下腰樣樣來 狗狗用後腿站立,穿著小蓬裙旋轉跳舞,這種事情,似乎只有在卡通動畫裡才 信用貸款看得到, 租屋網但現在網路上,有一隻黃金 獵犬就因 591為會跳曼波舞,在網路上爆紅,不但會轉圈、下腰,就連黏巴達 酒店兼職的舞步,也難不倒牠。 穿著綠色的小短裙的黃金獵犬,跟著主人,配合輕快的音樂節奏?系統傢俱A做著一模一樣的動作。 打了一個滾之後,這隻黃金獵犬竟然開始用後腿站立,跳起熱情的曼波舞,不只是會前 酒店兼職進,還會跟著主人的舞步後退,還能跟主人搭配,轉圈、下腰,默契十足,儼然就是最佳舞伴。 就連黏巴達的舞步,狗狗也是一點不遜色, 信用貸款完全把主人給比了下去。這隻黃金獵犬就這樣只靠後腿站立,跳了3分多鐘曼波舞,一旁圍觀的民眾也跟著HIGH了起來。 就是因為這樣精湛的舞技,讓牠受邀在節目上 禮服表演,逗得一旁的來賓樂不可支。狗狗可愛的舞步,讓所有看過的人都印象深刻,也成為網路上爆紅的曼波狗。 推薦網站:台中汽車借款,台中胎毛筆,台中肚臍印章,台中派夾報公司,台 酒肉朋友中機車借款,台中借錢,台中當舖,高雄汽車借款,高雄汽車當舖,高雄當舖 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 宜蘭民宿  .

aqwwzjvwsjshp 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

          無上師2011年8月12日新詩獻給Hermit~我最摯愛的狗祂在幾天前過世了 無上師2011年8月12日新詩獻給Hermit~我最摯愛的狗祂在幾天前過世了 無上師2011年8月12日新詩獻給Hermit~ 無上師2011年8月12日新詩獻給Hermit~我最摯愛的狗祂在幾天前過世了 我最摯愛的狗祂在幾天 永慶房屋前過世了(翻譯一邊翻譯一邊哭~師父一直哭讓我也淚流雨下)(這首新詩只是大要~不是全部的詩作內容)我是你所真愛的唯一你從未指示我保護我 保護我免於錯誤你毫無條件的愛情你給了他 租房子們所需要的你愛我一天24小時一整天你以最簡單的方式我永遠都知道你愛情的力量可以..........我永遠愛你我如何能夠找到一個像你一樣的生命呢?你不在意地上的寒冷 你可以依偎在我的腳邊即使我不舒服的時候你 土地買賣仍然匍匐前進爬到我的床上和我說你尊敬我的命令 我不論多麼的微小你總是想表達我的愛 總是耐心等待不論我在哪裡你就是快樂的天堂你不在意舒適的沙發你在意的只是 我是也許我們因為工作而分離而我的工作時常身處艱辛因此我們?永慶房屋?`得到和平自由不斷改變以及不停的旅程讓你非常艱辛~你的免疫系統不再強健了而最近其實我在家有時候對不起 我現在很累我很忙請你離開如同以往把我自己關在工作的處境裡把自己埋在文件堆裡/無窮無盡的全球會議而你只是像是不存在的躺在那邊等待我而 租房子我打坐的時候 你得到另一個房間耐心地等待等到我走出房間給你一個擁抱/即使只有短短的你是如此有愛心而且擁有無窮盡的愛 你是多麼溫馴 多麼地強健 我以為你會永遠活著但是你無法 你回到了天堂 留我在這裡 心破碎了我無法相信你離開了 就像這樣你離開了我會做任何事讓 保濕面膜你回到我身邊我會彌補~彌補你所失去的時間但是親愛的我無法這樣做當你從醫院回到這裡的時候你的身體依然柔軟溫暖甚至我衝到急診室 只是要讓我破碎的心確認 你是否已經離開了 這個痛苦的身體請不要再回來了 這個世界並不是非常的慷慨 留在天堂 在那裏你是安全的即使當我非常沮喪 即使你這麼的像 商務中心我只希望你可以開心你除了這個年老衰退的身體 你值得有更好的我永遠愛你 我一再告訴你 在你的病床上一再地告訴你而我的的確確是如此的 我很高興你獲得自由我現在流的眼淚只是為了自己 因為我失去了世間的珍寶我失去了最珍貴的寶物我希望世界停止 和我一同哀痛失去你我希望他們不知道 多麼美麗的生命已經失去如果我要 酒店經紀寫下你所有的優點 我將永遠寫不完 而你現在永遠離去了 這個世界對我來說有什麼美好呢我應該在你離開這個地球離開這個世界之前對你更好你曾經問我為什麼我這麼愛工作那是我愛你更多 不是我不是愛工作甚於你 我是為世界祈禱祈禱世界和平 然後所有的人類以及動物都受到保護然後我們可以花更多時間在一起而那天並不遠 而你已經永遠離開我?烏來溫泉怳F 而我無法做到我的承諾我很抱歉 我的愛你走了 而房子的空道 我多麼懷念你歡迎我回家 我多麼懷念你的傻笑 而我現在坐在你空空蕩蕩的枕頭旁邊 心裡想著你以前曾經在我的旁邊我問向天堂為什麼我的狗要死亡呢?我將這個謹獻給我最特別的狗祂在幾天前過世了感謝你們的聆聽獻給Hermit/我摯愛的狗 我只是無法忘懷我的狗我都是無法忍受這種痛苦請珍愛你的寵物非常感謝你 21世紀房屋仲介  .

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